Thursday 16 April 2015

Materialised feelings or stoned emotions

Materialised feelings or stoned emotions-

Love is eternal 
Emotions have no expiry date

This kinds of things we hear and learn while growing up.
And we strongly believe in this idea that love is eternal or love needs no prove 
But the question arises why we humans have a strong need of materialising feelings???

Materialising feelings-

Why do we try to find someone's love in material or to be precise in there stuff ...
So many songs 
Poems ,stories all have something in common.
Lover sees and feels the love of his /her partner in there belongings ;or there belongings keeps reminding them of there love .
Same case is in remembering relatives ,friends ,parents etc

Movies or plays have been effectively influential through out human history..
The depiction and story telling through performance is what ,humans can relate to.
And most of them have something (a prop) which they can show that gives our character a visit from aunt memory..
But why?

Whenever a person wants to move on with his/her life ,they see belongings of there loved ones and feels guilt.

Now as we know ;love is not only between two humans it can be between a person and animal or animal and animal but 
What about love between a person and imaginary person?
What if I told u that I love someone which I can not prove exists .  Does that makes  me a case?
Yeah may be..
But if thousands 
 of people loves the same imaginary person  then it is called religion 
So this is bit controversial 
...but this is the area where materialising the feeling ;(which in this case is faith, hope and love) pays -off.
If discussed in terms of turn over
, religion sector is experiencing an exponential growth every year.
There are 

-Accessories( I choose to call them this instead of symbols , because somehow telling someone they spent loads of money on stupid stuff hurts them)  

-consultation fees

-different rituals or acts 

-or crores of rupees on Lal chutney and samosa because some fat guy said so-Ki beta samosa kay sath Lal chutney khao
Krupa barsegi..
 And billions of hard earned money spent and they don't even pay taxes .

 But let's not go on that  road and discuss over biggest scam "organised religion "

So back to our main topic
Real love between two homo-sapiens .

When it all started ??

Each and every creature on this planet have to reproduce and this is default in there system.
Let's consider a chimpanzee 
Mr chimp if he wants to get down with hottest chimp in clan then he has to impress her and beat other contenders .
To impress someone and win them over is basic instinct 
We can not change it.
So when we evolved from apes to nomads and then eventually settled 
Our way of impressing women changed .
The best hunter , leader or farmer would impress her
By how efficient he was and would make a good partner .
As the time passed 
now man had to prove his love to woman so he started giving things which were important to him
Just to show how much the girl is important to him.
Eventually after some time woman also started expressing there love.
When any one of them had to leave or they got separated
Or some one dies they moaned for sometime but moved on to there life. Because life was much harsh back then.
But along the time some genius came who loved his/her partner so much that he/she didn't want to forget there partner so
They kept there memento. Just to remember them by.
Our human brain in designed in such a way that if a person we are very close to leaves us , then it takes 3-4 years to completely move on from that person. And start a new chapter.
 As we further evolved and different cultures came into existence . With those came the concept of loyalty.
Being loyal to one person is considered pious and that is okay if they are in love.
Now from this point in human history the materialising of feeling had started.
Simple human minds have been brain washed in believing that if person is disloyal to his / partner then he/she is not a good person and people judge them.
If a couple is in love 
Then there is no question about there loyalty. But if there is no love then?

Or if one partner dies?
As we know human brain adjusts it self to live with out a person if that person is absent for 3-4 yrs.

But the concept of being loyal doesn't leave even after death
People feel guilty if they feel something for another person even after his/her partner died few years back or in some cases if they leave them.
They keep reminding themselves about there partner by there stuff.

There is so much to think about the
Possession of the loved ones .

This was about the concept of loyalty 
But again before loyalty factor .one must show her how much he/she loves there partner 
To earn there loyalty .

So in this era
which is the best thing  to do....
by which a man can show how much he loves her 
And wants to be his life partner ?

Diamonds!! right?

Think when did a stone became the symbol of love?
How can love ;which is eternal; be represented by
An allotrope of carbon.
It was a dead body just few million years back
Which was highly compressed 
And became diamond.
A rock.

It is all result of marketing and proper step by step brain-washing of our whole materialistic generation.

"Diamond are forever ,but not every couple is"

So think where we are heading.